What the Checkerspot Corridor Team has done so far:
- Planted and fenced over 400 white turtlehead plants on the MA & PA Trail in Forest Hill. See photos of the June 2014 workday.
- Identified public and some private lands where white turtlehead already grows
- Published a picture reference card (right) to help the public identify the Baltimore Checkerspot, its larvae and the White Turtlehead.
- Planned a data collection Website (publish date TBA)
- Created a slide presentation to educate interested groups about the project. Contact Kriste Garman, Anita C. Leight Estuary Center. Phone: 410-612-1688.
- Educational signage on the MA & PA Trail to explain the project and the visible fencing
- An educational campaign to tell Harford County residents about the Baltimore Checkerspot
- Ongoing volunteer work groups to remove invasive plants as needed