Edgeley Grove Walkway

About The MA & PA Heritage Trail, Inc.

The MA & PA Heritage Trail, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that works in partnership with Harford County Parks & Recreation to make the MA & PA Trail a great place to be outdoors in Harford County. We also work to preserve the memory of the Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad. At present, there are 100+ supporting members of the MA &PA Heritage Trail.


General meetings are held every three to four months at a designated location. A representative from the Harford County Parks and Recreation Department also attends each meeting. We discuss issues of importance and look at ways to improve the trail for citizens of Harford County and our visitors. In the past, we have also invited guests, as needed, to provide suggestions and/or concerns regarding the trail. Please visit our Meetings page to view the dates and times of upcoming General Meetings.


Membership donations support projects, trail improvements, as well as this Website! Membership funds have also supported:

  • Special donations to Annie’s Playground
  • Dog park maintenance the Tollgate Road end of the Bel Air trail
  • Pet Memorial
  • A contribution to the water fountains on the Bel Air trail
  • Safety vests for trail monitors
  • Two (2) Bike Fixit Stations. One at Annie’s Playground and one at Friends Park
  • Summer Meet & Greet table at various locations by board members
  • Volunteer Trail Monitor Program
  • Trail Counter Initiative to help justify government investment in our community trail

In the past, donations have also helped to place 20 permanent signs along the trail that help visitors identify historical and environmental points of interest from the days of the MA & PA Railroad in Bel Air and Forest Hill. This project was supported by a grant from the Maryland Department of Transportation, under the National Recreational Trails Program.

Join us as we support these historic and beautiful trails in Harford County. Visit our Membership page to become a member.

Board of Directors

1. Phil Anderson,      President
2. Mike Early,            Vice President, Past President
3. Susan Kemen,       Secretary
4. Kristin DeCapite,   Treasurer
5. Rod Bourn,            Past President
6. (OPEN)
7. Kim Fleming,         Legal Liaison
8. Chuck Johnson,     Membership
9. Donna Lewis,         Trail Monitors Liaison 
10. Dr. Rob Reier,       Local Government Liaison
11. Jeffrey Roche,       Web Master
12. Betty Shock,          Merchandise

Past Presidents

1/1/1994 Ernest Hornick
1/1/1995 Ernest Hornick
1/1/1996 Ernest Hornick
1/1/1997 Ernest Hornick
1/1/1998 Ernest Hornick
1/1/1999 Ernest Hornick
1/1/2000 Robert Melville
1/1/2001 Phil Anderson
1/1/2002 Phil Anderson
1/1/2003 Walter Johnson
1/1/2004 Michael Early
1/1/2005 Michael Early
1/1/2006 Michael Early
1/1/2007 Michael Early
1/1/2008 Rod Bourn
1/1/2009 Rod Bourn
1/1/2010 Rod Bourn
1/1/2011 Rod Bourn
1/1/2012 Rod Bourn
1/1/2013 Rod Bourn
1/1/2014 Rod Bourn
1/1/2015 Phil Hosmer
1/1/2016 Phil Hosmer
1/1/2017 Phil Hosmer
1/1/2018 Phil Hosmer
1/1/2019 Phil Anderson
 1/1/2020                                Phil Anderson
 1/1/2021                                Phil Anderson
 1/1/2022                                Phil Anderson
 1/1/2023                                Phil Anderson
 1/1/2024                                Phil Anderson


 Updated 4/28/2024  NPA