New Cameras
Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023
KCI Construction Services installed 23 cameras to support video surveillance along the Ma & Pa trail in Bel Air. This was initiated in response to the tragic murder of Rachel Morin whose body was found in a remote wooded area along the trail.
Updates on Rachel Morin death on the Williams Street section of the Ma Pa Trail.
Wednesday November 1, 2023
Rachel Morin Family Asks For Worldwide Prayers For Justice
Rachel Morin’s family has created an online event encouraging everyone around the world to pray daily for justice for the slain Bel Air mom.
Tuesday October 3, 2023
Kristin Danley-Greiner,Patch Staff
The reward for information that leads to the suspect in the Rachel Morin murder case has increased to $30K courtesy of an anonymous donor.
Wednesday August 23, 2023
Rachel H. Morin’s Celebration of Life will also be live-streamed for those who are not able to make it. The link will be shared on this event wall and also on Rebekah Morin’s wall when it is available.
Tuesday August 15, 2023
The county has approved a walk to honor Rachel Morin. The walk will be on Saturday August 19th. They will meet at 11 am at the William Street entrance. Then at 11:30, they will begin walking. They will walk to the end of the first half of trail (Tollgate Road) and back.
Here is the notice from the county:
We the family of Rachel Morin, would like to invite all men, women and children (if you would like) from the community to join us on Saturday, August 19th for the #RememberingRachelMorin walk.Together, as a family and a community, we can grieve the tragic loss of a woman who was so full of life. Please join us as we pray and mourn for our beloved Rachel.We are hoping to have a “Trail of Flowers and Light” to line both sides of the trail for our walk on the Ma & Pa Trail. If you are able to, we ask that you bring flowers and a battery operated candle to lay on either side of the trail somewhere as we walk Rachel’s last steps.We will meet at 11 am at the William Street entrance. Then at 11:30, we will begin walking. We will walk to the end of the first half of trail (Tollgate Road) and back.There will be a very limited amount of t-shirts available at no cost (we will release the business name in a few days). If there are any other businesses that wish to make and donate t-shirts as well, please message me. After the walk if you want to stop by FLAVOR in Bel Air, they have agreed to donate a portion of all sales that day to the fund for Rachel’s children. Thank you.*We ask that everyone who reads this, please share! If you are media we only request that if you quote the above statement, you do so in its entirety.
Thursday August 9, 2023
Our Harford County Sheriffs Foundation stepped up and assisted us with an immediate police operational need. The Sheriff’s Foundation purchased a Gator which will be used to patrol sections of the Ma Pa trail. The Gator will allow Deputies to increase patrol coverage on the trail and quickly respond to incidents. Currently, the Sheriff’s Office has one Gator which is housed at the Southern Precinct in Edgewood and is detailed out for Agency needs and police operations.
Detectives are still asking for your help! If you saw or know anything no matter how large or small please contact us.
If you were on the Ma & Pa Trail on Saturday, or near the trail or trail heads and took photos or video, we are asking if you would please share them with investigators. There could be something helpful in one of your photos that might bring us one more piece of the puzzle.
If you would have a photo or video to share, please send it to Sgt. Maddox at
As of this morning, we have already received over 200 tips from concerned community members in reference to the murder of Rachel Morin. Thank you for all the support you have given to the Sheriff’s Office and our community.
Updated 8/8/2023
Detectives are asking your help!
If you were on the Ma & Pa Trail on Saturday, or near the trail or trail heads and took photos or video, we are asking if you would please share them with investigators. There could be something helpful in one of your photos that might bring us one more piece of the puzzle.
If you would have a photo or video to share, please send it to Sgt. Maddox at
As of this morning, we have already received nearly 90 tips from concerned community members in reference to the murder of Rachel Morin. Thank you for all the support you have given to the Sheriff’s Office and our community.
Updated 8/7/2023
Rachel Morin, age 37 was last seen around 6:00 pm on Saturday, August 5, 2023 when she left to walk on the Ma and Pa Trail in Bel Air.
If you have any information about her, please contact Detective Golden at (410) 836-5430.
Rachel Morin – Go Fund Me Memorial Fund:
The board of the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail has donated $ 100.00 to the Rachel Morin GOFUNDME fund.
If you would like to donation to this fund, here is the link for her fund:
The MA & PA Trail in the News
Someone damaged the bathrooms on the Ma & Pa Trail at Annie’s Playground at Edgeley Grove Park the night of July 22nd. If you have any information, please contact the Harford County Sheriff’s Office at – (410) 808-9053.
Updated; 8/02/2019 NPA
Welcome! Below, find an archived listing of news items regarding the MA & PA Trail.
2017 10-23 – Walk the proposed link of Ma & Pa Trail Sunday
2017 07-10 – Bicycle fix-it station installed at Annie’s Playground
2017 07-09 – Bike Repair Station Installed on MA&PA Trail
2017 04-27 – ‘Gateway’ sculpture on Ma & Pa Trail gets ‘new face’
2017 02-20 – More than 100 enjoy a President’s Day ‘Winter Walk in the Woods’ in Bel Air Monday
2016 11-28 – New, colorful crosswalks installed at Bel Air Library, Ma & Pa Trail
2016 11-16 – Ma & Pa Trail to finally be connected through Bel Air with final easement in place
2016 11-09 – Harford, Bel Air moving closer to Ma & Pa Trail connection
2016 10-25 – ‘Team Julie’ honors Bel Air woman who died from cancer with bench on Ma & Pa Trail
2016 06-03 – Williams Street Ma & Pa trailhead in Bel Air reopens after emergency repairs
2016 05-10 – Ma & Pa trailhead to close for a month
2014 11-01 – Annual rally to connect the Ma & Pa Trail set for Sunday in Bel Air
2013 11-05 – Advocates push for the completion of Ma & Pa Trail
Updated 10/29/2017